By | November 23, 2022
Tips to Care for Your Car Radiator

Tips to Care for Your Car Radiator

It is indeed worth noting that overheating is one of the most common causes of engine failure. This is especially true in high-performance cars and diesel vehicles. Now, to ensure adequate cooling in the engine bay, the car radiator should be at peak position. Hence, proper radiator service and frequent inspections at regular intervals are important.

 Tips to Care for Your Car Radiator

Tips to Care for Your Car Radiator

By following a few steps, the cost of engine damage due to overheating can be easily avoided. In this part, we will tell you about the proper maintenance method of Car radiator but before that, let’s try to understand the working of Car radiator.

What is a Car radiator and what are its functions?

Many people must have heard the word Car radiator in their daily life. However, many people are not really aware of the importance of this ingredient.


Simply put, a Car radiator is an element that plays the most important role in the entire cooling system. The basic function of a Car radiator is to ensure that the engine does not overheat. An internal combustion engine (ICE) produces power by burning fuel. Combustion, along with the movement of parts, causes a lot of heat.

Now, it is important that this heat is removed from the engine to avoid overheating and ensure that the efficiency of the motor is not compromised.

This is where the Car radiator comes into play. It ensures that the heat is dissipated outside the engine. This component works together with the coolant, fan, thermostat and hoses that are responsible for circulating the coolant.

Basically, fluid moves through hoses from the car radiator to the engine to absorb heat and return to the radiator. Once it returns to the radiator, fine metal fins release the heat from the fluid to the outside air. Meanwhile, cool air flows through the car’s grill into the radiator.

If the vehicle is not blowing, the fan blows air to lower the temperature of the hot coolant. Once this coolant passes through the radiator, it is recirculated to the engine.

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Check the radiator regularly

Service your car and check the radiator regularly to prevent unnecessary expenses. This helps you maintain proper anti-freeze levels to prevent the water from freezing or raising the boiling point of the engine coolant to prevent over-heating.

A radiator should last the lifetime of your car, provided the engine and cooling system are maintained. If your vehicle overheats, the engine may seize up, costing you a fortune to replace.

Check the radiator

Check the radiator

Never overload your car

The more load your vehicle carries, the more your radiator needs to cool your car. Overloading is the main cause of overheating as the load on the engine is increased. Stick to the manufacturer’s recommendations on the maximum load for your car. If you are tempted to overload, imagine trying to control it at high speed with an engine that has failed due to overheating and the power steering pump being unable to operate. In this case your brakes may also fail.

Check and maintain the water level in your radiator every week. Do not top up your radiator with cold water especially when at operating temperature. Wait for your car to cool and then, if necessary, add water. Cold water has an adverse effect on aluminum cylinder heads and can even cause them to crack, costing thousands of rands to repair.

Top up with engine coolant

Although South African drivers benefit from a more moderate climate, engine coolant should be changed every three to five years during services or vehicle inspections to control engine temperature.

While engine coolant and antifreeze are similar, engine coolant is the most recent market entry. It contains additives that prevent the cooling system from freezing, lower the boiling point and help the cooling system by lining and protecting it. One of these important additives is a lubricating additive that helps moving parts such as thermostats do their job. Lack of this additive causes the thermostat to stick or prevent the radiator pressure cap from opening, causing the engine to overheat.

Flush the system

Always ensure the cooling system is properly flushed and cleaned when replacing an old radiator. Never mix different types of engine coolant when replacing an old radiator and always use a good quality coolant.

A false economy can cost you more than you bargained for. Visit your nearest Supa Quick today to ensure your radiator is in good working order this winter.

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Basic tips for Car radiator maintenance

Car radiator maintenance

Car radiator maintenance

1. Radiator leakage

One of the biggest problems in a car radiator system is leakage. Therefore, regular Car radiator service ensures that this problem does not arise.

Actually, this leakage occurs when any hose, gasket or seal cracks. Typically, these components develop small cracks and wear out over the years. In case of irregular maintenance, these parts break down and thus lead to leakage of coolant.

If you notice any leakage in the radiator system, it can be a clear sign of a damaged component that needs to be replaced immediately. Failure to do so will cause the coolant level to slowly drop, causing the engine to overheat due to lack of cooling.

2. Rusty coolant

Another common problem that car owners face with radiators is rusty coolant. In fact, this corrosion not only affects the performance of the radiator but also hampers the functioning of the water pump. Corrosion clogs the pipes, which leads to interruption of the flow of coolant.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to discard the rusty coolant and replace it with a good quality coolant. While premium coolant is priced very well, it actually performs better than standard. This, of course, ensures the long life of the car engine.

Read more: Engine maintenance tips for better car care

3. Conduit issues

As we said, coolant travels between the car radiator and engine through hoses. Therefore, they are one of the most important elements in the entire cooling system.

Basically, any car has two hoses – top and bottom. The former connects the upper part of the radiator to the engine while the latter is responsible for connecting the engine water pump to the radiator. These tubes are made of rubber and synthetic materials. Over time, they tend to develop small cracks due to regular wear and tear.

However, if not properly taken care of, these cracks can lead to coolant leakage which will later result in inadequate cooling of the motor. Therefore, it is advisable to inspect the hoses during radiator service and replace them if necessary. Generally, these hoses should be replaced every 50,000 km to ensure things stay in order.

4. Thermostat malfunction

Another common problem with Car radiator systems is a faulty thermostat. If you find that the upper hose is very hot while the lower hose is normal, this may be due to a faulty thermostat.

Essentially, a thermostat controls the flow of coolant based on temperature. So, if there is a fault in it, there may be serious problems in the performance of the engine. Also, prolonged overheating of the engine can cause serious financial damage while greatly affecting the life of the vehicle.

So, if you feel that your car’s engine is getting unusually hot, it could be a problem with the thermostat. In such a case, you should have the car inspected and, if necessary, have the radiator serviced immediately. The technician will likely perform some tests to determine the exact cause of the heat. Generally, the following two tests are performed to determine the cause of engine overheating:

Pressure test: Through this test, it can be known whether there is leakage in the cooling system of the car or not.
Flow Test: This test determines whether the car’s cooling system is choking or not.

5. Never overload your car

Every car is designed and developed to carry a certain weight. This is known as the payload capacity of the vehicle.

Basically, payload is the maximum weight a car can safely carry but does not include the weight of the car itself. Therefore, when a vehicle may be used to carry more weight than its payload capacity, this will have a direct impact on the performance and, with prolonged use, on the life of some components.

Carrying more than the recommended weight will put extra strain on the engine. More load on the engine, in turn, the cooling system will work overtime. Needless to say, every vehicle’s cooling system is designed with payload capacity in mind, and so malfunctions can occur. Therefore, the car should never be overloaded.

6. Use proper quality coolant

There are numerous coolants available in the market. However, each of them has a different formula and characteristics. Choosing the right coolant for your car is extremely important and mixing two different coolants should always be avoided. Remember, only the right coolant will ensure that your car radiator works exactly as it is supposed to.

proper quality coolant

proper quality coolant

There are many types of engines and they are made from different materials. Some are cast iron motors while others are made of aluminum alloy. Also, some are turbocharged while others are naturally aspirated.

So, a ‘one type fits all’ strategy with coolant selection doesn’t really work. The safest choice is the one recommended by your car manufacturer or always follow the owner’s manual.

Read more:

7. Check the water level

As explained, over time, various hoses, joints and seals in the cooling system tend to develop cracks. This can lead to coolant leakage, and therefore, a drop in the coolant level.

Also, any type of malfunction in the car radiator can lead to a drop in the coolant level. While this is something that can be easily seen during a radiator service, using a car with a low coolant level can have serious consequences. Therefore, one should check coolant and water level regularly.

Understanding the role of radiator

A radiator is a key component in your engine’s cooling system. The cooling system keeps your engine from overheating, which prevents internal components from melting, fusing together, and damaging your car. It is no exaggeration to say that your cooling system is the one component that prevents total engine failure.

Radiators play a critical role in the cooling system by controlling engine temperature. It keeps the car from overheating on simple drives and also keeps it functional even on very cold nights.
Basic tips for radiator maintenance

Check the radiator hose for leaks:

Cars use radiators and so always be on the lookout for breaks and leaks in the radiator hoses when changing the oil in your automobile. Additionally, you’ll want to regularly inspect the area under your engine for any drips or leaks. Additionally, make sure the gasket on your radiator cap is properly installed and keep an eye out for any lumps of rust.

Monitor fluid:

You should be aware of the exact coolant level that should be maintained in your car. The best way to prevent damage to your car Radiator in harsh weather is to keep the coolant level at the ideal level. In hot weather, the lack of coolant causes the automobile to overheat, while in cold weather, the lack of coolant can cause the fluid to freeze.

Prevent overloading:

One of the main factors contributing to your car overheating is overloading. The more weight your car carries, the harder the radiator has to work to keep the engine cool, causing your car Radiator to work harder and overheat. If this ever causes your car to overheat, do not add water immediately. Then, if necessary, add water after giving your car Radiator some time to cool down. So, to save your automobile from extra weight and hassle, you should always check the maximum weight it is allowed to tow.

Of course, it naturally follows that the trick to not putting yourself in this frustrating situation is to make sure to take your car Radiator to your local one-stop auto maintenance center for regular maintenance. Autobest is here to help you with radiator maintenance cars. Auto Best thinks that car maintenance is a completely different matter. Regardless of whether you buy a new or used luxury car Radiator, every wagon has its own specific set of routine car servicing and inspections. You get regular check-ups, because your body needs to be sure that everything is fine from time to time. If you need a pre-owned car service, ABE is undoubtedly the place to go for the best facilities.

You don’t want to see your radiator fall apart, of course, but what can you do to prevent it from doing so?

Some tips to consider:

Always keep coolant or radiator fluid topped up. You should always administer coolant with a 50/50 water mix or purchase a pre-watered version at your local auto supply store.
Keep the radiator cap tight; It is designed to keep the entire cooling chamber pressurized.

Is your radiator cleaned twice a year? To save some time and make it easier to remember, you can perform this service every time you take your vehicle in for a tire rotation or oil change.

Flush and fill your radiator annually. This is another service that you can have done by your local trusted technician.

How Often Should You Flush Your Radiator?

The frequency of when the radiator should be flushed varies by vehicle. Most car Radiator usually require this service on an annual basis. In some cases, for those who drive their car very heavily throughout the year and rack up a lot of miles, an additional flush may be required. This is something that your auto technician can help advise on when you are at the shop.

A flush is essential to rid your radiator of particle buildup and prevent clogging. If the recommended flush is not performed, this buildup spreads throughout the cooling system. The result can be degradation and wear of the cooling system while preventing it from working properly.
The bottom line is that, for any vehicle owner, radiator maintenance should be a priority—but if it’s something you’re not sure about, you can always


You may have seen cars parked on the side of the road breaking down during journeys due to overheating engines. Obviously, no one ever wants to find themselves in such a traumatic situation. The easiest way to avoid this is to ensure regular radiator service.

By now, we hope you understand the importance of the radiator system in the proper functioning of a car Radiator. Regular maintenance and regular checkups can help you keep the radiator as well as the car Radiator engine running perfectly.


Q) What is the purpose of radiator?

A car engine generates a lot of heat from burning fuel and moving parts. The job of the radiator is to ensure that it keeps the engine cool through the flow of coolant. Doing so is imperative for optimal performance.

Q) How to ensure that your radiator runs without facing problems?

With regular radiator service and inspection, you can ensure that the car radiator runs smoothly. One should check the coolant level at regular intervals while heading to the service station as soon as something unusual is noticed. Also, only the recommended grade of coolant should be used.

Q) When should I replace my radiator?

A car radiator usually lasts about 10 years. So, it is best to get your car checked after it is around 10 years old. Also, one needs to visit the service center as soon as some problems are experienced while selecting the replacement on the advice of expert technician.

Q) Why do radiators need to be replaced?

Like every other component, radiators go through wear and tear over the years. Problems such as corroded tubes, cracked tanks and faulty seals can cause damage.




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